
Showing posts from October, 2017

Week 10 - I'm a Caterpillar

Week 10: I'm a Caterpillar Monday 星期一 October 30th ☑ 1. Reading Street: Read RS Story:  I'm a Caterpillar  + Youtube  □2.Grammar Goals review and correct: □3.Write:  Wk10 Words x4 □4.Write:  R&W Notebook: pp 377, 378 No Class Today!  Tuesday 星期二 October  31st ☑ 1. Reading Street:  Read RS Story:  I'm a Caterpillar  + Youtube p   149 - 157  2. Grammar Goals review and correct: ☑ 3. Write: pg.  22 #1 -28 x3 □   4. Write:  R&W Notebook:  ☑ 5. Reminders:  Wear Halloween costume to school for tomorrow.  Don't forget to bring in  P.E. uniform to change after activity.  Wednesday 星期三 November 1st ☑ 1.  Reading Street:  p. 149 - 161 ☑ 2.  Write:  Make sentences p. 22 # 1- 14 ☑ 3.Write: R & W notebook: Finished pages 377, 378, and 391 in class! □4.  Thursday 星期四 November 2nd ☑ 1. Reading Street:  pp149 -161 ☑ 2.Write: Make sentences # 11 -28 ☑ 3.Weekly Quiz: Study !  p. 22 -All w

Week 9 - Sports Day on Saturday and Frog and Toad together

eek 9 : Sports Day on Saturday! Monday 星期一 October23rd ☑ 1. Reading Street: Read Frog and Toad Together p1 18 - 142 □2.Grammar Goals review and correct: ☑ 3.Write: pg 18 # 1-10 x4 □  4.Write:  ☑ 5.Listen and learn these songs: Waka Waka and True Colors Tuesday 星期二 October24th ☑ 1. Reading Street: Read p 118 - 145 and watch you tube □2.Grammar Goals review and correct: ☑ 3.Write: Vocabulary p 20 # 11 -20 x 4 ☑ 4. Make sentences p. 20  #1 -10 □5.  Wednesday 星期三 October 25th ☑ 1.  Reading Street: p 118 -145 + Youtube ☑ 2. Write:  Make sentences  p 20 # 11-20 ☑ 3.   Do writing assignment # 1  □4.   □5. Thursday 星期四 October 26th ☑ 1. Reading Street: p 118~145 + You tube ☑ 2. Write: Do H.W. corrections in H.W. book □  3. Weekly Quiz:  ☑ 4.Unit Test: Study for Unit Test on Frog and Toad Together ☑ 5.  Do review Worksheet Friday 星期五 October 27th ☑ 1. Reading Street:   Preview I'm a c

Week 8 - Outing this week!

Week 8 : Frog and Toad Together Monday 星期一 October 16th ☑ 1. Reading Street: Read Frog and Toad Together p1 18 - 130 □2.Grammar Goals review and correct: ☑ 3.Write: pg 18 # 1-20 X3 □  4.Write:  ☑ 5.Listen and learn these songs: Waka Waka, True colors, and Genie in the bo ttle Tuesday 星期二 October 17th ☑ 1. Reading Street: Read p 118 - 130 and You tube □2.Grammar Goals review and correct: ☑ 3.Write: Make sentences pg. 18 # 1-10 □4.  □5.  Wednesday 星期三 October 18th ☑ 1.  Reading Street: p 118 -130 + Youtube ☑ 2. Write: pg. 18 Make sentences  #11 -20  □ 3.   □4.   □5. Thursday 星期四 October 19th ☑ 1. Reading Street: p 118~135 + Youtube ☑ 2. Write: Do Worksheets ☑ 3. Weekly Quiz: Study vocabulary for quiz.   □ 4.Unit Test: Friday 星期五 October 20th ☑ 1. Reading Street: p88~137 + Youtube ☑   2. R&W Notebook: p 369 ☑  3.Do worksheet on vocabulary, 1 page only! ☑  4. Learn t

Week 7 - The Class Pet

Week 7 : The Class Pet  Monday 星期一 October 9th □1. Reading Street:  □2.Grammar Goals review and correct: □3.Write: □4.Write:  □5. Tuesday 星期二 October 10th ☑ 1. Reading Street: p88~105 + Youtube □2.Grammar Goals review and correct: □3.Write: □4.  □5.  Wednesday 星期三 October 11th ☑ 1.  Reading Street: p88~105 + Youtube ☑ 2. Write: pg. 16 Vocab.  #1 -20 X 4 ☑ 3.   □4.   □5. Thursday 星期四 October 12th ☑ 1. Reading Street: p88~105 + Youtube ☑ 2. Write: Make sentences   CB p16, #1~ 10  X 1 ☑ 3. Weekly Quiz: Study ! □ 4.Unit Test: Friday 星期五 October 13 th ☑ 1. Reading Street: p88~115 + Youtube ☑   2. R&W Notebook:  p.357 and 360 ☑  3.  Make sentences CB p. 16 # 11-20 X 1 ☑  4.  Study for Unit test on Monday - The Class Pet ☑ 5.  Do review worksheet.

Week 6 - Happy Moon Festival

Week 6 : Happy Mid-Autumn Festival! Monday 星期一 October 2nd □1. Reading Street:  □2.Grammar Goals review and correct: □3.Write: □4.Write:  □5. No Homework Study for Chinese Exam! Tuesday 星期二 October 3rd ☑ 1. Reading Street: p88~105 + Youtube □2.Grammar Goals review and correct: □3.Write: □4.  □5.  No Class Tomorrow!  Take a Rest. Wednesday 星期三 October 4th ☑ 1.  Reading Street: p88~105 + Youtube □2. Write:  □3.  □4.   □5. Thursday 星期四 October 5th ☑ 1. Reading Street: p88~105 + Youtube ☑ 2. Write:  Sentence Make  CB p14, #1~ 20   ☑ 3. Weekly Quiz:  □ 4.Unit Test: Friday 星期五 October 6th ☑ 1. Reading Street: p88~105 + Youtube ☑   2. R&W Notebook: p. 345,346, 349, 350, 353 ☑ 3. Read Ten important sentences: p. 14 and 16 ☑ 4.  Write Ten important sentences p. 14 and 16