
Showing posts from August, 2017

Homework will be posted on a weekly basis

Week 1                    Homework 回家功課 Monday 星期一 □ 1. Reading Street:                               □ 2. Grammar Goals review and correct:                               □ 3. Write:                                              □ 4.                                               □ 5.                                                家長簽名 : Teacher’s  Signature : Tuesday 星期二 □ 1. Reading Street:                                 □ 2. Grammar Goals review and correct:             □ 3. Write:                                                □ 4.                                               □ 5.                                                家長簽名 : Teacher’s  Signature : Wednesday 星期三 √ 1. Reading Street: Read pg. 10 - 19                              √ 2. Write: Vocabulary page 4 # 1-10 X 4                                              □ 3.                                       

Welcome back to Second Grade!!

Dear Parents, Welcome back to super second grade and an exciting new school year.  I am thrilled to be teaching your children.  Second grade is a time of blossoming independence. In order to make this year as successful  as possible for your child, we need to work together and establish mutual goals.   As parents you can support this growth by: 1.  Setting a morning routine.  Come to school on time at 7:50.  Completing their morning tasks such as turning in their h.w. at designated area, copying their h.w. in their communication book and eating their breakfast.   2.  Ensuring your child is completing his/her homework for the day and signing their communication book. 3.  Establishing an open communication among your child to share his or her school's life experience to enhance his/her growth, independence and a successful future.   Your support makes all the difference and we are grateful.  We look forward to building a successful partnership with you over the new schoo