Thursday, Oct. 20

Week 8 : Halloween Fashion Show & Trick or Treating



October 17th
1. 複習 Review Reading Street Story: School Day + Youtube Clips
2. 複習 Review Grammar Goal: 
3. 讀寫單字四次 Read and write 4 times Words from CB (communication book) p 8 # 1-10
4.  學習單 Worksheet  p
5. Sentence Making: CB p6, #
6. Review Basic French (youtube clip)
*To celebrate Xinmin's 60th anniversary.  We'll be having Multicultural Week with 6 countries around campus.  Grade 1 will represent the country of France. 

October 18th
1. 複習 Review Reading Street Story: School Day + Youtube Clips
□ 2. 複習 Review Grammar Goal: worksheet p
3. 讀寫單字 4 次 Write Vocabulary 4 times Words CB p8, # 11 -20
4. 學習單 Worksheet
☑ 5. Experience class will be moved to Friday. 
**Please find time to prepare a Halloween costume for your child.  We'll have a fashion show this Friday! 

October 19th
1. 複習 Review Reading Street Story: School Day p 120 -127
☑ 2. 唸句子 Read Ten Important Sentences: p 14 x 3 Unit R Story 5
☑ 3. 造句 Sentence Making: CB p 8 # 1 - 3, 7, 9, 12, 17 and 18 
October 20th
1. 複習 Review Reading Street Story: School Day p122 -132
□ 2. 複習 Review Grammar Goal: worksheet p
3. 讀寫單字 4 次 Write Vocabulary 4 times Words CB p8, # 21-30
4. 學習單 Worksheet
☑ 5. Wear your costume and bring a set of clothes to change after the event and bring your own LUNCH for tomorrow.
October 21st

1. 預習 Preview Reading Street Story: School Day p122~132 
2.造句 Sentence Making: CB p 8 # 21-25


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